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Welcome to the home of my Worldbuilder YouTube channel where I channel my geekiness into something constructive… or at least entertaining… or at the very very least, it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble.  Though I think that my troublemaking days are probably over… and have been for over 30 years.  Still, this is where I just goof around with building alternate worlds in computer games… one of my favorite hobbies.  If I had been born a generation or two earlier, I probably would have been one of those guys who filled his entire house with a giant model train set.  Fortunately… for both my wife and my bank account, I was born at the dawn of the Digital Age and so my worldbuilding is entirely virtual.  I enjoy all sorts of builder survival games, but at the moment, and probably for the near future, I will continue to be focused on modded Minecraft.  But I am glad that you wandered in, and since you are here, please make yourself at home and explore my video series and of course, if you have any questions or wish to provide feedback, please feel free to send them my way.

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