Well… as you may… or may not… know, I live in the Pacific Northwest portion of the United States, and last week we got nailed by the so-called Bomb Cyclone.  We lost power at my house for four days… but aside from some of our rain gutters torn from the side of the house, everybody and everything is fine.  We just had an adventure camping from home… or to be more precise… camping IN our home.

But we did eventually get our power back on… and we got it sooner than the estimates we were told… and which I had taken with a huge block of salt… so I was doubly impressed when the power came on considerably earlier.  My thanks to Puget Sound Energy for over delivering… and to the countless power workers brought in from all over the United States and Canada.  I saw power trucks from at least six different states working in the area.

I would like to give a special call out to the locals though… because in many cases, they had no power at their own homes and their own families were just as much in the cold and dark as we were… but yet those guys were still out in the cold, the rain, and all the other difficulties to make the magic happen. God/Creator bless ’em all.

So I am playing catch up with the site and the channel.  But the REAL reason I wanted to write something tonight was to explain why this site is screwed up… to a greater or lesser degree.  It just depends on which page you are viewing.  It has nothing to do with the power outage and everything to do with the simmering meltdown that my Nimblebuilder plugin has been building up to.  It started acting up a few weeks ago, and I have been limping along, but then other issues started to pop up with it… including breaking my search bar.  Now I can’t even create a new page and add Nimblebuilder content to it without it adding that content to the completely wrong page.

So… it looks like I am going to need to rebuild my ENTIRE site… page by page. 

That was a hard and painful decision, but I decided to make the leap and I know it will be using up a lot of my free time for the foreseeable future.  However, that led to the next question… if not Nimblebuilder, then what?  I can return to the default WordPress editor pretty easily… and quickly.  However, it has the plainest of plain options when it comes to building pages.  I liked the 1990’s and early 2000’s, but I don’t miss the web pages of those decades.  I would like to have something more interesting and modern.

So… it looks like Elementor might be able to get me there and it seems more widely used/respected and generally more reliable than Nimblebuilder.  So… I am going to learn the tool and use it to rebuild the website.  That means that the pages will look… and sometimes actually BE broken.  I am truly sorry about that.  It is definitely not how I would want things to be, but I don’t have a lot of choice in this and I am trying to limit the brokeness. I am not sure that is a word… but if it isn’t, it should be.  I think it fits the situation perfectly.