It is never easy to say goodbye… especially to a close friend or personal treasure with great sentimental value.  In some ways, the Gryphon Manor series is both of these… at least for me.  But aside from the technical reasons driving the change, I think I have outgrown this project and so it is time to move on to something even bigger and better.

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Below is the list of mods that I have enabled for this world. All of them are available on Forge. That’s where I got them. I will be running this world with my preferred resource pack as well: Lithos HD/32 (also available on Forge). I have also begun to create my own personal resource pack that fills in the gaps from Lithos. This new resource pack is not publicly available.

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Banner - Music

Ever since I watched The Sting as a child, I have loved Ragtime music. However, I am not a musician, composer, or even a particularly knowledgeable fan of music. I enjoy what I enjoy and that includes many different genres of music. However, Ragtime is the soundtrack for the era I am simulating and this may the first time that modern listeners may be exposed to it. So I am including some general Ragtime links and whatever information I can find on the particular tracks I used in this episode.