Gryphon Manor – Episode 10 – Setting Up Shop
Minecraft can be a complicated game. Modded Minecraft can be even radically more complicated, including literally hundreds of different blocks, materials, and items that can be found, farmed, processed, and used. Keeping tabs on that stuff in a useful way has always been a challenge, but with the assistance of the Storage Drawers mod, I have a plan for organized and systematic approach to storage… a design that will help reduce the headache and effort needed to shape the world I am building.

Below is the list of mods that I have enabled for this world. All of them are available on Forge. That’s where I got them. I will be running this world with my preferred resource pack as well: Lithos HD/32 (also available on Forge). I have also begun to create my own personal resource pack that fills in the gaps from Lithos. This new resource pack is not publicly available.
- Additional Lanterns
- Additional Lights
- Additional Placements
- Ambient Sounds 5
- Animal Feeding Trough
- Appleskin
- Architectury API
- AstikorCarts
- Basic End Ores
- Basic Nether Ores
- Biomes O’ Plenty
- Blueprint
- BSL Shaders
- BucketLib
- Builders Crafts & Additions
- CMDCam
- COFH Core
- Collective
- Collector’s Reap
- Compat O’ Plenty
- Configured
- Corn Delight
- Create
- Create Central Kitchen
- Create Crafts and Additions
- Creative Core
- Critters and Companions
- Cull Leaves
- Cultural Delights
- Cycle Paintings
- Delightful
- Domum Ornamentum
- Easy Anvils
- Easy Experience
- Easy Magic
- End’s Delight
- Ensorcellation
- Entity Texture Features
- Every Compat: Wood Good
- Fantasy’s Furniture
- Farmer’s Delight
- Farmer’s Respite
- Fast Leaf Decay
- Female Villagers
- FerriteCore
- Festive Delight
- Flower Seeds 2
- GeckoLib
- Grass Seeds
- Grass Slabs, Carpets & Stairs
- Guard Villagers
- Immersive Aircraft
- Immersive Paintings
- Incendium
- Invisible Armors
- Jade
- Jade Addons
- JourneyMap
- Just Enough Items
- Laendli Transport
- Library Ferret – Forge
- Macaw’s Bridges
- Macaw’s Bridges – Biome O’ Plenty
- Macaw’s Doors
- Macaw’s Fences – Biomes O’ Plenty
- Macaw’s Fences and Walls
- Macaw’s Lights and Lamps
- Macaw’s Paintings
- Macaw’s Paths and Pavings
- Macaw’s Roofs
- Macaw’s Roofs – Biomes O’ Plenty
- Macaw’s Trap Doors
- Macaw’s Windows
- Mineral Chance
- Moonlight Lib
- Mysterious Mountain Lib
- Name Tag Tweaks
- Naturalist
- Nether’s Delight
- Oculus
- Pineapple Delight
- Polymorph
- Puzzles Lib
- Rubidium
- Serene Seasons
- Simply Backpacks
- Small Ships
- Smooth Boot (Reloaded)
- Stack Refill
- Starlight
- Stoneworks
- Storage Drawers
- Supermartin642’s Core Lib
- Supplementaries
- Terrablender
- Wooden Bucket
- Wooden Hopper
- Wooden Shears
- Woodworks

0:00 Intro
1:12 Goals
4:56 The Design
9:31 The Ups and Downs of Storage
13:22 Vault 13 3/4
20:57 My Own Food Network
25:03 Wrap Up

- Information on the Show Hoarders
- A Video of a Secret Government Warehouse
- Information on Pneumatic Tube Systems
- Information on Manor Houses
- Information on Cornices
- Information on Mahogany Wood in the Real World
- Information on Kitchen Designs Over Time
- Information on the Show Upstairs, Downstairs
- Information on the Show Downton Abbey
- Information on the Show The Gilded Age

Ever since I watched The Sting as a child, I have loved Ragtime music. However, I am not a musician, composer, or even a particularly knowledgeable fan of music. I enjoy what I enjoy and that includes many different genres of music. However, Ragtime is the soundtrack for the era I am simulating and this may the first time that modern listeners may be exposed to it. So I am including a general Ragtime link.
Additional music was obtained from, a site run by Ragnar Hellspong of Krusenberg, Sweden. He has spent considerable time collecting Ragtime resources and has graciously made them freely available on his site. Please take a look.