Gryphon Hall - Episode 5 - Feeling Under the Nether

We spent the last episode exploring the Overworld. This time around, we start exploring the Nether… or at least we build a portal and establish a presence there. I experienced luck from both ends of the spectrum… very bad and very good. However, with a little perseverance, I was able to work through the obstacles, and now I am in good shape for truly exploring the Nether and I have unlocked materials that will allow me to continue with building a proper base in the Overworld.


0:00 Intro 0:45

Episode Goals

1:04 Base Design Update

2:10 Thoughts on Lighting

3:42 Starting Construction

6:33 First Steps into the Nether

8:05 Ramping Up Gravel Production

8:58 Thoughts on Gravel

9:39 Hitting Bedrock

10:40 Blaze Spawner

11:52 Displacing Lava

12:37 Building the Vertical Shaft

14:38 More Lava Displacement

15:32 Dismantling the Old Portal

16:31 New Portal Complete

17:03 Wrap Up


Ever since I watched The Sting as a child, I have loved Ragtime music. However, I am not a musician, composer, or even a particularly knowledgeable fan of music. I enjoy what I enjoy and that includes many different genres of music. However, Ragtime is the soundtrack for the era I am simulating and this may the first time that modern listeners may be exposed to it. So I am including a general Ragtime link.


Additional music was obtained from, a site run by Ragnar Hellspong of Krusenberg, Sweden. He has spent considerable time collecting Ragtime resources and has graciously made them freely available on his site. Please take a look.