From the Rubble - Episode 2 - Do You Hear Something?


0:00 Intro

4:21 Listen!  Do You Smell Something?

9:18 Strategic Exit

15:58 The Rematch

30:56 Feedin’ the Animals

39:15 Expansion

56:23 Not Again!

More Information
  • Near the start of the video, while I was talking about hostile mobs massing and coming at me all at once, I mentioned a “Zerg” situation.
  • While talking about the different types of moon events that can happen in this world, I mentioned the video game, Terraria.
  • The chapter, “Listen! Do You Smell Something?” is an homage to this.
  • As I detailed my eventual plans for this base, I mentioned that it would be a, “Minecraft version of Babylon 5“.
  • When I mentioned a quote from “Mr. McLean” about the “Day the Music Died,” it was an homage/quote from this song.
  • While contemplating how it will be for me to survive in this world, I mentioned that it will be somewhat like the movie, I am Legend.
  • I used the English idiom, “leaving money on the table“.
  • We saw some weirdness in terrain generation, and I said that the system must have had a “brain fart” during the process.
  • Shoveling dirt reminded me of the value of dirt in the movie, Waterworld.